Medical Escort Team

Medical EscortTeam

Medical Escort Team

Safety, Comfort and Efficiency

In addition to Practitioners, our team also features over 50 Registered Nurses and Care Assistants, ready to operate interventions from different locations worldwide :

Paris (France)
Shanghai (Chine)
Tokyo (Japon)
 Kuala Lumpur

Every single mission is supervised by our medical escort team, whose prime duty is to guarantee patient’s safety and comfort, as well as mission schedule follow-up.

Our mission quality chart :

Our medical escort team is available within hours to operate commercial flight evacuations.

In addition to their experience on the field, every Registered Nurse and Care Assistants on our team carries the standard Medic’Air equipment.

All our Registered Nurses and Care Assistants are State registered.

Our medical escorts undergo training updates and real-life situation simulations on a regular basis.

Our medical escorts are trained to proceed to medical evacuations on commercial flights as well as on Air Ambulance aircrafts.

Chaque membre de l’équipe maîtrise parfaitement les contraintes des transports aériens, facilitant ainsi tous les transferts et permettant d’anticiper toute perturbation éventuelle de voyage, en liaison permanente avec le Plateau Opérationnel en charge du dossier. La géolocalisation de toutes nos escortes en mission, monde entier, est en cours de mise en service.

Outre leurs compétences médicales, tous nos intervenants médicaux témoignent d’une grande faculté d’écoute et d’empathie à l’égard de tous les  patients.

Each member of our medical escort team is highly trained in the air transportation field, allowing easy airport transit and appropriate management of unexpected situations and events, and is constantly in touch with the operation team in charge of the case. Starting from summer 2016, our medical escorts on a mission will be followed worldwide by GPS tracking.

Medical skills aside, our main requirement when recruiting our medical escorts is the ability to make patients comfortable and at ease under any circumstance.

Our medical escorts are fluent in various languages, such as French, English, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese, and are trained to face any possible issue implied by patients’ cultural backgrounds.

Our Physicians, Registered Nursed and Care Assistants are able to operate in crisis areas or in reaction to high-scale accidents involving multiple patients. They do not operate in areas labelled as actual war zones.

Quotation Request

Medic’Air invoices its customers only at the mission, on a precise and fast quote, and does not impose any subscription or annual package.