


Repatriation is a medical prescription written or validated by a supervising doctor at Medic’Air. The decision about mode of repatriation can be reviewed at every stage of mission according to the evolution of the clinical state of the patient or the geopolitical context. It is a dynamic process, during which a client is informed of new occurrences.

The escorts on mission are continuously monitored and they inform us by phone or email of each step taken during the mission.

Different ways of repatriations are available according to known medical parameters or logistics: by ground transportation (ground ambulance, high speed train, ambulance boat…) or by air transportation (commercial flights and / or air ambulance).

presence or absence of an escort and the type of escort put at disposal (a doctor and / or nurse and / or care assistant) with its specific medical equipment is also a decision validate by doctors at Medic’Air according to the principle of Criticality of application to each mission.

Shortly, our missions are categorized in four levels of urgency :

Air rescue : the patient is in great distress, and local medical facilities can’t be of more help – this is the situation where we need to repatriate the patient as soon as possible using appropriate medical means. An experienced team of intensive care can be sent in a rush from Paris or Marrakesh particularly for taking in charge patients in Eastern/South Europe or North to Central Africa.

Primary : the patient is in a critical clinical condition, and our doctors propose to evacuate him immediately to a hospital adapted to his pathology by air ambulance with a team including an intensivist doctor and flying nurse.

Secondary : the patient is stable, hospitalized in a high quality structure, but requires a medical supervision during his transfer back to his home country. This non-urgent repatriation can be done on a commercial air flight (if the logistics allows it).

Tertiary : Medic’Air organizes also home returns for convalescent or cured patients, making sure they travel in comfortable and safe conditions.

This differentiation is based on an internal evaluation score, which allows our supervising doctors, taking into account objective data :

the patient’s clinical status and future, possible evolution
Eevaluation of the quality of local hospital’s structure (or its absence)

to validate for immediate initiation of a MEDEVAC in the emergency mode (Rescue or Primary) if needed, complying with the homogenous procedure for all the doctors concerned, including second opinion of the Managing Doctor.

Since a year Medic’Air’s goal is to repatriate as soon as possible the patients to their home countries and particularly from Mediterranean countries, the Indian Peninsula, to limit contamination by bacteria multi-resistant (BMR). After an initial reconnaissance, it seems beneficial to evacuate patients hospitalized in these high risk countries in less than 48 hour.

Quotation Request

Medic’Air invoices its customers only at the mission, on a precise and fast quote, and does not impose any subscription or annual package.